The famous CESSNA L-19/0-1 “BIRD DOG”, is an economical giant scale warbird with docile flight characteristics that is offered in three sizes. 1/5, 1/4 and 1/3 scale. All plans show all structures drawn full size and include the installation of flaps. Full size templates are also shown for all ribs, formers and other various parts. If you would like to purchase a wood kit see KIT CUTTER'S on selection bar at the top of each page.Accessory parts available for all sizes are: a fiberglass cowl and formed aluminum landing gear . Primary construction is light plywood, balsa and spruce using conventional “tried and true” building techniques. All structures are built-up and are sheeted with 1/8, 3/32, or 1/16 inch balsa. No foam is used whatsoever. All models feature a two piece wing for easy transportation, yet still provide easy assembly / disassembly at the field. A five channel radio is required.
1/4 and 1/5 scale versions shown.
A completed 1/4 scale version shown with pilot and "back seater" on board.
Plans Specifications:
Specifications: Cessna L-19 1/3 Scale
- Scale: 1/3
- Inches to the foot: 4" - 1'
- Length: 97"
- Weight: 40-60 lbs
- Wing loading: 40-60oz/sqft
- Wing area: 2305
- Wing span: 144"
- Wing incidence at root: +0.5 degrees
- Stab incidence: +0 degree
- Dihedral: 2 Degrees
- Power: 80-150cc gas Twin
- Washout at wing tip: none due to wing tip slots
- Aileron throws: 1.75" up and 1" down
- Elevator throws: 2" up, 2" down
- Rudder throws: 3" left and right
- Flap degrees down: 45 degrees
- Cowl length: 15.4"
- Cowl height front: 6.7"
- Cowl height rear: 13.4"
- Cowl width front::13.4"
- Cowl width rear: 13.4"
- Engine offset degrees: 0,0
- CG Location: 6" back from leading edge of wing at the fuse
- Requires:
- Vailly cowl 1/3 scale
- Engine:80-150cc gas Twin
- Fuel tank::32-50 oz rectangle
- Control Horns:
- Hinges: 20 Dubro #257 flat hinges
- Covering: Fiberglass cloth and resin or Solartex cloth covering
- Vailly Aluminum gear struts 1/3 scale
- Tail gear strut
- Wheels Main: 7"
- Wheels tail: 3"
- Radio channels: 5 or more
- Servos: Flaps (2)150-200oz MGBB, Ailerons (2)90+oz BB, Elevators (2)90+oz BB, Rudder (1)120+oz BB, Gear (1)50oz, Throttles (1)50oz BB
MG-metal gear BB-ball bearing